The Greens in Downtown Kennesaw, Georgia

A fun Friday night includes a wine red dress, a ton of laughs and a romantic and bubbly couple like Bubba and Sarah Green all in beautiful Downtown Kennesaw, Georgia. Sarah's laugh and smile are infectious. She is a woman who is so full of light and life and her hunky husband Bubba seemed to just be captivated! 

Stephen + Gabby

Congratulations to such a sweet, fun and natural couple. I love this family and am so thrilled to be a part of these two awesome people becoming one!! Here's to many more years of fun and laughter together! 

The 6 Person KELLEY Family

I had a blast getting to run around a park with this fun-loving silly family! Mom, Jackie, is the ring leader and leader of all the fun. She recently met a huge personal goal. Go here for her story> @mommyislosingit. It was so encouraging seeing how easy and go-with-the-flow she and dad, Paul, made parenting 4 kids look. The shoot included many bunny-ears, a donut pit stop and all the tears and laughs. Enjoy!!